How to make money on social media

These days most of us have social media accounts, whether it is to tweet along watching Britain’s Got Talent, to enter competitions or just to voice our opinions. You may be wondering how to make money on social media and you can. You don’t have to have thousands of followers to get started either, so why not get paid for social media posts?

get paid for social media posts

Here are some great ways to start making money from your social media accounts.


Buzzoole is a fast way to start earning cash from your social media accounts. Simply register and connect your accounts, and Buzzoole with analyse them. Once you have connected all your accounts you will start to receive invitations to participate in campaigns. Each campaign pays differently depending on the budget and effort involved. Your earnings are paid in credits which can then be converted to Amazon gift cards.

Buzzoole get paid for social media posts

The best thing about Buzzoole is definitely the referral program, where you can earn up to €400 in Amazon vouchers:

  • You will get 1 credit every time one of your friends signs in to Buzzoole*.
  • You will earn 5 extra credits for inviting a minimum of 50 contacts at once from your Gmail account or 15 credits for inviting them all. This option is available only one time.
  • You and your friend will gain 50 credits each if she/he join one of our campaigns and publish posts.

* Please, bear in mind that every person who will accept your invitation has to have a minimum of 200 friends on Facebook or a minimum of 100 followers on Twitter.
Buzzoole identifies not-credible accounts and doesn’t accept them in the Referral Program.

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SocialPubli is a relatively new website where you can earn money for participating in advertising campaigns by sharing the content on social media. It has a massive $100 payment threshold which I haven’t even reached yet, so this might be a slow burner. Payments can be made via bank transfer, cheque or even Western Union.

Accounts you can use for SocialPubli

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Blog
  • Snapchat
  • LinkedIn
  • Vine

Refer a friend/affiliate links

If there is a product or a service that you really enjoy using – perhaps a survey website or even your bank account, there are plenty of ways to earn money by referring your friends or using affiliate links. I have written a detailed guide to getting started with affiliate marketing to help you get going. I can strongly recommend Affiliate Window – it “costs” £5 to join, but the £5 is immediately added to your Affiliate Window balance, meaning that as soon as you reach the low payment threshold, you will get that money back. Shopmium pays £3 for every friend that you refer, and you can send your friend a free chocolate bar, enticing them to join.

Sponsored Tweets

The name says it all, Sponsored Tweets by Izea allows you to bid for campaigns. It can be quite low paid and you only have a certain number of bids that you can send out, but it is still worth checking in every so often to see if there is any money to be made.

Mobile Prints

If you are a keen Instagram user, did you know that you can make money from selling prints of your photos with Mobile Prints? Buyers search for images they want and then once they have chosen their image they can choose to have it printed on anything from a print to a shower curtain! After uploading your images and setting a price you don’t need to do anything else, Mobile Prints will take care of the rest. You are then paid our monthly via Paypal.

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Have you considered making money from your social media accounts?

get paid for social media posts

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